Tomasz Gaczyński

Tomasz Gaczyński

  • Advocate
Fields of expertise: 
  • Corporate law
  • Civil procedure
  • Energy law
  • Procedural law
  • Arbitration


Handling energy industry companies. Providing ongoing legal assistance, e.g. in cases relating to connecting new customers: creating necessary agreements and regulations, representing companies in litigations against the President of the Energy Regulation Office, organising internal training courses on the subject of changes in the energy legislation.


Mr. Gaczyński has many years of experience in litigation. He represents clients before the courts at all levels of jurisdictions, e.g. in cases concerning compensation and damages, outstanding payments, infringement of personal rights, responsibility of Management Board members for company responsibilities, and inheritance cases. He has also extensive knowledge and experience in arbitration, including international arbitration. He authored a series of articles on arbitration.


For years Mr. Gaczyński has provided services for cultural institutions and education entities. He consults on contracts, investments and organised cultural events. He prepares assessments of concluded contracts and published materials with regard to copyrights. He conducts training courses.


Mr. Gaczyński supervised and coordinated legal consolidation procedures of capital group companies. He participated in the creation of consortiums for the execution of various investments. He is the author and co-author of numerous publications, e.g. legal opinion for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. on the telecommunications law in the EU, a series of articles on arbitration, social aspects of the Employee Benefit Fund, pre-emptive right and others.